2014年11月1日 星期六

北宋 鈞窯 粉青釉長頸膽瓶

A JUNYao  pale colored  green glazed  bottle,
Northern Song Dynasty

 (AD 960-1127)

China, Henan Province                                                                                                

高: 26.7公分  Height: 26.7cm


來源: 原日本東京 古董同業 

Is derived from: Tokyo, Japan antique shop

褐綠色護胎汁,足底露胎處表現深褐色胎皮 ,

直長頸膽瓶,北宋與金代器型上的區別 .....

這類造型的瓶子一般做為裝酒器皿 ,這包含瓶口外撇, 甚至外捲的"玉壺春"型的,基本用
途都是酒器,,它可以方便倒酒, 附圖 的一幅壁畫, 一名侍者手持酒瓶,旁邊另一名手捧
 這種膽型(水滴型)直頸瓶(如附圖, 考古資料上實為金代,如..北京懷柔縣及
及甘肅華池縣窖藏(該處應為金代)等 , 金代中期以後器型上又有變化,瓶口的比例變得寬大
北宋所生產,瓶口有一圈圓凸唇,底足多有護胎釉, 修胎較為工整 _____
考證上如:河南省登封北宋墓葬壁畫, 一名侍女手持此器皿 ,
北京故宮有一件同型器, 北宋洛陽邙山墓葬有一件青白瓷, 日本出光美術館有一件北宋定窯瓶,
在金代確切的資料上, 至今尚未有發現證實在這類器皿上瓶口有一圈凸唇的!!

Drop-type Flask, the Northern SONG Dynasty and JIN dynasty difference type on.

     This kind of bottle molding was normally used as wine containers,
including extrorse bottleneck, even outspread whirling shape called "Yuhuchun".
They were basically used as liquor containers. They made wine pouying easier.
In the attached picture, one attendant was holding a wine container, and the other
attendant on the other side was carrying a tray with cups of wine on it in both hands.

     This gall-shape (water-drop-shape) straight-neck bottle (as illustrated in attached 
pictures, were proven to exist in Jin Dynasty. huai-rou county and hai-ding
county in Beijing, and hua-chin county in Gan-su were the places that were verified
for these unearthed artifacts in early Jin Dynasty. In the mid-Jin Dynasty,
utensils had changed in shape, the bore of the bottles had become wider and the neck,
on the other hand, had become narrower.

     The bottles that were porduced in Song Dynasty had a circle of round protruding lips,
and usually had protecting glaze at the bottom. And the ties were mostly more flatter.
based on the historical dsta, there were wall paintings in the tomds in northern
Song Dynasty shown in Henan county, and a Dinyao bottle from Northern Song Dynasty
displaced in Idemitsu Museum of Arts in Japan. However,
none of the data about Jin dynasty has shown and porvd the molding of
 round-portruding lips on this type of containers.

                                             (2014年11月廣告  November 2014 advertisement )

JUNYao  pale colored  green glazed  bottle, Northern Song Dynasty
 (电腦顏色會有誤差 Computer color will be biased )

瓶底底部 Bottom____




 The difference between the Northern  SONG Dynasty and the  
  JIN Dynasty --- styling on

附圖 1. 北京故宮 收藏的一件  Beijing Palace Museum collection of one .
 (Northern Song Dynasty)

附圖 2__日本出光美術館收藏的北宋定窯
Japanese Idemitsu Museum of Art collections 
(Northern Song dynasty "Ding"wart)

附圖 3

附圖3-1__ 河南洛陽北邙山,北宋墓出土一件“青白瓷”
Northern Song dynasty  "Hutian yao"
(China unearthed in Henan province)

附圖4.__  北宋壁畫  . Northern Song dynasty  Mural

. Northern Song dynasty  Mural

附圖5__ 北京海定區金代早期墓出土
( JIN dynasty the early  ) Beijing unearthed

附圖6__ 北京懷柔所出土金代青瓷瓶__(河南臨汝窯)
 Beijing unearthed  ( JIN dynasty the early  )

附圖7__ 英國“大衛德基金會”收藏的一件金代鈞窯瓶
( Britain David De Foundation )
(JIN  Dynasty )

附圖 8__ 金代後期鈞窯瓶
(維多利亞 雅伯特博物館)
Late stage  Jin Dynasty 

Late stage Jin Dynasty 
(Chinese Yaozhou Museum)

2007 London Sotheby's 
  (JIN  Dynasty )




2014年8月2日 星期六

北宋 "湖田窯" 青白瓷荷葉口瓶

A lotus leaf mouth bottle  HUTIANYAO- QINGBAI 
Northern Song Dynasty 

(AD 960-1127)

Jiangxi Province, Jingdezhen, Hutian

高22.3公分   Height: 22.3cm

(使用半印 半刻技巧 Use half-print, semi-engraving tips )

 來源: 上世紀90年代末,购自香港知名同業 
 Source: the late 1990s, purchased in Hong Kong's famous same industry                   


這件花口瓶 釉的質地老化得非常的滋潤,很有玉質感 ,出土的地方(坑口)比較潮濕,局部區域釉的土咬比較明顯,
瓷器的釉的玉質感是一種老化与氧化現象 !

每一件瓷器的玉質感 (或說潤澤度)呈現的程度不一樣___因為這關係到燒製的方式,保存情況,和出土的環境,都會有影響 !

底部露胎的地方,呈現出明顯的老化皮殼, 具有強烈的火石紅加上土銹,

(有些青白瓷的底部的露胎 火石紅較淡,甚至較白),


工匠們在這件作品上使用"半印半刻" 的技法(這種方法流行在北宋時期),

在 鼓起的腹部,以連續割劃出轉枝牡丹紋作為主題;







當然也有作出口沿土咬效果的仿品 ,不過咬法与层次感 ,


**另外順便一提的是, 觀察它的氣泡.釉的色澤, 這些特徵已經不能當重要的標準了, 因為仿品早已仿製的很成功了!

The containers has been under in extreme moisturizing aging and were with the
texture of jade. The location of these artifacts unearthed were more humid .
The texture of jade of the porcelain was due to aging and oxidization.
every piece of the porcelain had the texture of jade (or the degree of moist) to
various extent.
They showed various texture due to the methods they used to fire the containers
in the kiln, the ways they preserved, and the environment they unearthed.
The tire in the bottom had shown aging and apparent aging crust due to lava-rock
red and 土沁 .
(Sone tire in the bottom in some White Ware had less odvious lava-rock red or even
whiter. The edges of the bottle were folded into eight petals of lotus leaves ornament
and interlaced with the lotus petals on the bottle neck .
The craftsmen used "half-print-crave" skill to crave peony patterns on the bulging
part as topic . As far as the findings nowadays, the pattern may similar in topics but quite
different in details. The kind of lotus leaves ornamented edges were quite popular in
Song Dynasty. However, these types of vases were rare in the market, so they were
The glaze on top and building parts were easier to get weathering, which were closely
related to the location they unearthed and the humidity around. Of course there were
fake effects of the mud-dite aeound the edges, but the layering effects, the tire,
texture of the glaze, and aging were hard to be identical.

2014年8月廣告   August 2014 advertisement
(电腦顏色會有誤差 Computer color will be biased )

本件瓶底   bottom, 火石紅比較強烈, 露胎區域多,
很多工具書籍都可以找到這種底的案例 ,

口部特寫  Partial close
釉較薄的地方出現"咬釉"現象, 這與使用人工化學藥劑作法的效果不一樣 ,

局部特寫   Partial close, 風化的自然狀況

國際拍賣的 同類型舉例    The same type

(International auction items ) 國際拍賣的 同類型舉例  The same type

同類型舉例  The same type, 類似的底部火石紅,
 (Japan's ldemitsu museum) (日本出光美術館) 

Similar bottom __ kiln site unearthed debris

口部位, 侵蝕釉痕現象舉例  (左圖  Left)
Glaze soil bite Erosion and aging

口部與釉薄區域的咬釉現象 舉例,
Glaze soil bite Erosion and aging,
(上海博物館藏__Shanghai Museum )

口部与邊角凸稜的咬釉風化 舉例,
Glaze soil bite Erosion and aging,
(Beijing palace museum)


Examples of fakes_____

這件底部 沒有上釉露出瓷胎土的地方, 並沒有老化情形,沒有皮殼,,



2014年2月27日 星期四

金代 鈞窯紫紅斑折沿盤

A Fine  "Jun Ware"  purple-splashed spotted tray, 
JIN Dynasty

(AD 1115-1234)
China,  Henan Province, Yuzhou City

Diameter 17.5cm    直徑17.5公分

(備註)__本人深入了解鈞窯.,,.研究.學習,買賣"鈞窯"超過25年,以往已經賣出至少70件以上各式鈞窯產品, 近距離觀察過數百件安全的鈞窯器皿, 曾收集各式破片數百片(目前手上還保留一百多片破片), 並且建立有豐富的鈞窯資料,鈞窯發展歷史, 以及不斷追蹤"鈞窯"的最新仿品 !

本件說明 this Explanation : 本件是屬於金代早期到中期之間的產品.."鈞窯"在進入金代早期以後產品有個變化特徵,,就是溫度提高,很大比例的產品釉的乳濁性會減低,釉的透明度變高 (這是因為 原本在釉裏的"乳濁性"物質,在溫度提高以後容易揮發消失,,並且釉面光澤變強(釉比較薄地方,仔細觀察可以隱約看見釉下面的胎體),, 這個時期出現許多這類產品, 不只鈞釉,同時期同窯生產的綠色青瓷(習慣稱"綠鈞")也有這種情形 !!

鈞窯鑑定概念  The concept of "Jun"Yao identification_____
鈞窯器皿因為沒有像其它窯的產品有許著多的裝飾,紋飾加工,雕刻工藝的特徵,因為這些的工藝特徵,會隨著不同時期表現出不一樣的變化,可以參考幫助鑑定 !
"鈞窯"的性比質較抽象,它是由基礎釉(例如天青釉色,與粉青釉色)和乳濁成份, 加上著色劑(銅,鉄類元素)所組成產生色澤變化,主要有這幾個簡單元素其中比例的分配,再經由 窯燒溫度的變化, 與 "窯室氣氛" (氧氣控制的狀態 與過程中溫度的變化過程,與時間差,, 影響著色澤的變化) !!

特別提醒的是現在高級仿品已經可以很逼真做出所有特徵了 , 例如: 汽泡与色塊暈散方式 ,乳濁的特徵,流淌紋(兔絲紋)等等 .....
***鑑定上沒有捷徑, 經驗要非常豐富, 要看得很多,功課要做很多,長時期做,還有不同的區域窯口的不同特徵 !
注意顏色與色塊流動暈散以及變化的自然性; 釉的老化情形,色斑的老化現象(色斑的老化要如何觀察?) ,以及胎土的老化程度!!

The concept of "Jun"Yao identification ____

      Jun ware are more abstract and are more difficult to identify. They are produced by transparent glaze, emulsifying elements and special glaze(copper and iron elements).
      The normal porcelain genre consists of visible hardware and invisible software.
Nowadays,  fake porcelain can be more than 90% identical as the real ones in lifelike scale. (Bubbles,  of color blocks, and emulsifying traitscan ,Glaze flow).
      During technical appraisal, you have to be rich in experiences, and read, study, and conduct the task for a long time. Do not want any shortcuts. 
The point is to identify the degree of aging in glaze and color and  Mud Body texture .
Color and color flow and halo scattered changes must be very natural.

金代 .鈞窯紫紅斑折沿盤,
(不同電腦會有顏色誤差  Different computers will have color difference)
 Jun Ware  purple-splashed spotted tray

是屬於"禹州鈞台窯" 產品)
Characteristics of this product very close to Yuzhou city "Juntai Kilns"


類似的鈞窯產品___Similar "Jun Ware" products , Jin dymasty

金代__ 同一窯產品,高溫薄釉類,光澤強
(台北國立故宮博物院 收藏 Collection of National Palace Museum, Taipei)

金代__ 同一窯,高溫薄釉類,光澤強
(英國 ESKENAZI ,2015年展覽品)
(UK ESKENAZI, 2015 exhibits)

Jin Dynasty 金代_荷花瓣邊,紫紅斑折腹盤
(China, Henan Province, museums  河南省博物館藏)

金代__ 高溫薄釉類.光澤強
(The British Museum 大英博物館收藏)
