南宋官窯 青釉八瓣葵口盤
Southern Song Dynasty
(Arcadian Beauty – Exceptional Works from the Song Dynasty)
LOT 3105
LOT SOLD: 81.351.000 HKD
口徑: 14公分
diameter: 14cm
成交價: 港幣 81.351.000 元
解說 Description :
Eight lobed appeared only after the Southern Song Dynasty
This is a dish the shape and function, not wash (washer)
3. 它的胎土是淺白色 , 並不是一般常見到的 灰色或灰黑色 (參考圖 B .D)
Its Mud Body is light white, General common to a gray or dark gray
( Figure B.D)
4. 支釘痕跡裡的灰黑色胎土,是折斷的支釘 的胎土 (參考圖 A)
The black trace of the bracket is left by the kiln furniture (Figure A)
5. 在南宋官窯的窯址發現有極少數的淺白胎土的官窯產品
At the kiln site of "GUAN" Kiln in Southern Song Dynasty,
Found a very small number of white Mud Body "GUAN" kiln
口徑: 14公分
diameter: 14cm
成交價: 港幣 81.351.000 元
解說 Description :
Eight lobed appeared only after the Southern Song Dynasty
This is a dish the shape and function, not wash (washer)
This is a dish the shape and function, not wash (washer)
3. 它的胎土是淺白色 , 並不是一般常見到的 灰色或灰黑色 (參考圖 B .D)
Its Mud Body is light white, General common to a gray or dark gray
( Figure B.D)
( Figure B.D)
4. 支釘痕跡裡的灰黑色胎土,是折斷的支釘 的胎土 (參考圖 A)
The black trace of the bracket is left by the kiln furniture (Figure A)
At the kiln site of "GUAN" Kiln in Southern Song Dynasty,
Found a very small number of white Mud Body "GUAN" kiln
Back carrying a weapon"keepers of thecemetery"
一件白釉鎮墓獸, 河南,隋代安陽窯
Henan, Anyang kiln , Sui Dynasty (A.D 589-618)
A strong artistic work And era style !!
高: 39.5公分
height: 39.5cm
New York, March 22, 2018
Lot 922
final price: 52.500 USD
編號: 922
成交價: 52.500 美金
(這是拍賣的物件 Auction works)
(河南省博物館Henan Museum ) height: 50cm |
古代武器__紅色圓圈的地方就是"鎮墓獸" 背後揹的兵器, 稱作"戟"(ji) |
Gather of courage, strength and wisdom...
一般在墓葬中都是一對, 一個是人面獸身,一個是獸面,, 鎮守墳墓,保護死者安寧,
獸面代表"勇猛", 人面代表"智慧", 背上的武器代表"力量"!!
Usually in the tomb is a pair ,Placed behind the tomb door Protect the dead
The animal face represents "brave" and the human face represents "wisdom", The weapon on the back represents "power"!!
....背後的武器稱作為"戟"(ji) The weapon behind it is called (戢 ji).
這件是典型的河南省 安陽地區"安陽窯" 的作品, 其實這一件嚴格來說應該是屬於"青瓷"的範圍,,釉的色澤一般是帶有黃色調的淺綠色 (這是因為早期北方開始的瓷器燒造時的還原技術掌控並不是很好, 大多數所燒出的青瓷 都帶有黃色 ), 一般釉面都有細碎的冰裂紋, 透明感與玻璃質感很強 ,, 胎色灰白帶黃, 有些有施加一層白色"化妝土";
目前為止,只發現在隋代的墓葬中出現,具有明顯的時代代表性; 並且墓主人的身份通常是社會上中.上層人士 ;
目前為止,只發現在隋代的墓葬中出現,具有明顯的時代代表性; 並且墓主人的身份通常是社會上中.上層人士 ;
附圖 中國河南博物館收藏有一對可以參考, 一個是獸面, 一個是人臉獸身,高度是50公分; 河南博物館收藏出土的這一對,分別在它的 臉部鼻子和眉毛以及眼睛,和膝蓋和腳趾的 區域點綴了黑色 ,這樣視覺上有加強的效果,變得更有精神了!!
這也是 隋代 "安陽窯"所燒的作品, "安陽窯"是隋代 北方的一個非常重要窯口;
這也是 隋代 "安陽窯"所燒的作品, "安陽窯"是隋代 北方的一個非常重要窯口;
今天人們所看到有一些重要的隋代 所遺留下來的重要瓷器作品,
埃及 的(守墓者)獅身人面像 Egypt (keep the tomb) Sphinx |
是秘密的顏色? 或者是碧(綠)的顏色 ?
Is the secret color or "green"? (Ancient Chinese is homophonic)
"秘密"(Bi-Mi) 的"秘"在中國古代發音同為 碧色 的"碧(Bi)"
“ 秘 “字,現今發音為ㄇ一”不過這個字在閩南語(台語)裡的發音卻是ㄅ一“的音,
並且古代用字時常用借字,“ 碧 “音借” 秘 “字用是很自然的,這點歷史語言學者都很清楚!
解二,, 1987年法門寺地宮中出土的這一批器物的“物賬”中,紀錄的是“ 瓷秘色 “,許多人
並未注意到這一點,“ 秘色瓷 “與” 瓷秘色 “指的是不同意義!
“ 瓷秘色 “是對顏色的形容詞,而” 秘色瓷 “則是一種專用名詞,” 瓷秘色 “是最原始的說法,
“ 秘色瓷 “則是後來人們習慣性的說法,
“ 瓷秘色 “就是等同於”瓷黃色“或”瓷艾色“抑或”瓷柿色“,,,等等的稱呼!
如果您去了解整個唐代 的越窯燒造的歷史,以及它的品質就不難發現當時的燒成品,
雖然供品中有帶黃者,然成品燒成不易而仍然珍視之.....這裡舉 南宋官窯的例子來說,,
解三 ,,有人用科學分析“秘色瓷”的胎釉成份, 因為它的胎。釉有別於同類粗瓷,
也有人認為釉料成份是個秘密, 所以以此將之稱作“秘色瓷”!?
少數五代時期的墓葬出土過品質接近"祕色瓷"的瓷器,只能說越高級的東西用過的人越少! 解五,,為甚麼碧綠色的瓷器,要那麼受到重視?
唐代陸龜蒙(---881年)的一首詩中說: {九秋風露"越窯"開,奪得千峰翠色來}的詩句,大家
“ 秘 “字,現今發音為ㄇ一”不過這個字在閩南語(台語)裡的發音卻是ㄅ一“的音,
並且古代用字時常用借字,“ 碧 “音借” 秘 “字用是很自然的,這點歷史語言學者都很清楚!
解二,, 1987年法門寺地宮中出土的這一批器物的“物賬”中,紀錄的是“ 瓷秘色 “,許多人
並未注意到這一點,“ 秘色瓷 “與” 瓷秘色 “指的是不同意義!
“ 瓷秘色 “是對顏色的形容詞,而” 秘色瓷 “則是一種專用名詞,” 瓷秘色 “是最原始的說法,
“ 秘色瓷 “則是後來人們習慣性的說法,
“ 瓷秘色 “就是等同於”瓷黃色“或”瓷艾色“抑或”瓷柿色“,,,等等的稱呼!
如果您去了解整個唐代 的越窯燒造的歷史,以及它的品質就不難發現當時的燒成品,
雖然供品中有帶黃者,然成品燒成不易而仍然珍視之.....這裡舉 南宋官窯的例子來說,,
解三 ,,有人用科學分析“秘色瓷”的胎釉成份, 因為它的胎。釉有別於同類粗瓷,
也有人認為釉料成份是個秘密, 所以以此將之稱作“秘色瓷”!?
少數五代時期的墓葬出土過品質接近"祕色瓷"的瓷器,只能說越高級的東西用過的人越少! 解五,,為甚麼碧綠色的瓷器,要那麼受到重視?
唐代陸龜蒙(---881年)的一首詩中說: {九秋風露"越窯"開,奪得千峰翠色來}的詩句,大家
Is “Secret color” an adjective for the porcelains or just a proper noun?
A few misunderstandings for “porcelain with secret color”- to practically elaborate a few questions about “porcelain with secret color”.
Explanation 1
In some areas in current “Korea” and “Japan”, the beautiful green porcelains are still called “porcelain with secret color”.
About two years ago, a famous Japanese household electric appliances company called the beautiful porcelains as “porcelain with secret color” in the LED TV advertisement in Taiwan. These areas were under a large amount of cultural influences from “Tang Dynasty” and “Song Dynasty” in the past, so the names that passed on from the past is reasonable. The word “secret” is pronounced as “mi” in Mandarin Chinese, while it is pronounced as “bi” in Taiwanese. The term “secret’ is pronounced as “bi mi” in Taiwanese. In fact, the Taiwanese we used now was the official language in the central area in China. Tang Dynasty, using the current explanation to elaborate the cultural usage from the past is a misunderstanding. What’s more, “borrowing words” was a common phenomenon that used in the past, the sound mi ”“was naturally replaced by “bi”. That’s clearly identified by historical linguistics.
Explanation 2
The record showed the utensils that were unearthed from the cite if “Fame Temple” in 1989 as “secret color of the porcelain”. Many people did not notice the difference between “porcelain with secret color” and “secret color of the porcelain”. “secret color of the porcelain” is an adjective to describe the unique color of the porcelains; while, “porcelain with secret color” is a proper noun. “Secret color of the porcelain” was the most primary name to call the utensil, but people got used to call them “porcelain with secret color” afterward. “Secret color of porcelain” was equal to the “yellow-tone of porcelain”, “the green-tone of porcelain”, or “the orange-tone porcelain”…etc. However, many people still held doubts about these unearthed utensils, arguing that many pieces were tarnished but not every piece was in jade-green. But they were nice porcelains in texture. If you get to realize the history and the quality of kiln firing in Tang Dynasty. It is not difficult to find that the productions of that time showed brown-yellow, yellow or green with a little yellow, and most of the texture was rough and usually become scraps. Some of the offerings were yellow, but clue to the hard-working of firing. They were still considered as precious items. Take “Guan-yao” in South Song Dynasty as an example, are parts of the utensils, which were passed down from the South Song Dynasty, yellow in color.
Explanation 3
Some people analyzed the ingredients of the glaze of porcelain with secret color scientifically, because the tire glaze was different from the tough porcelain of the same kind; while, some people believed that the ingredients were kept as a secret, so they were called “porcelain with secret color”.If you get to know the firing process of producing ancient ceramics, the exquisite productions from the same kiln, especially the supreme production like “Kon porcelain”, you will find the tire glaze must under careful preparation and selection. Therefore, the productions were under special care.
The components in the details of any “Yaoko” production, exquisite porcelain and tough porcelain were different in basic, so we could not define “porcelain with secret color” based on the components. The situation was not only occurred in “Yue-yao”.
Explanation 4
“Porcelain with secret color” was specifically produced for the King and was impossibly be seen by the common population so it was called “secret”.
五代人 "徐夤"的詩___[供餘秘色茶盞]云:"陶成先得供吾君" 五代人 "徐夤"的詩__[進貢 余姚縣"余姚窯"的秘色茶具] 當中說: 瓷器燒成後先提供給國王挑選..... Hsu –yin, a poet from the Five Dynasties, wrote in one of his poems titled “the porcelain with secret color from Yu-yao-kiln as the offering” that after the accomplishment of the porcelain firing, they would be served for the King for selection. .......
the cite of porcelain that offered for the royalties was not only “Yue-yao” in Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. And the porcelains were not called “secret color of the porcelain” in other cities that offered porcelains. Did the common citizens have no chance of seeing it in real life? We knew that Yue-yao in Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties was basically built by the government but was performed by the public. The royalties built the kiln and supervised it but in real situation, all the tasks required such as the preparation of ingredients, the adjustment of glaze serum, and firing…etc. These tasks were performed by the public and the laborers. These laborers could produce the fake productions by themselves so it was hard to say that the productions were hardly seen by the public. However, the costs of producing the porcelain with secret color of that time were too much for the public to afford! (You can learn more from the report of kiln cite.) Few of the porcelains that were unearthed from the tombs in the Five Dynasties reached the quality if the porcelains with secret color. We can just conclude that the more high-end the quality is, the fewer of the people can make use of them.
Explanation 5
Why the green porcelains were highly valued?
First of all, we need to realize the quality during the process of firing of “Yue-yao” in Tang Dynasty. You can refer the related information in the kiln cite report of “Yue-yao” and the existent “Yue-yao” production from Tang Dynasty. After reading the reference, you can realize that due to the immaturity of the firing skills, the large amount of impurities in the glaze, and the failure of controlling reduction while firing, most of the productions were too yellow, too gray or green with a little yellow-tone in color. Until the late Tang Dynasty, the use of the earthen bowl while firing made an improvement in the quality of the texture of the productions, For example, at the beginning of Tang Dynasty, especially in the Five Dynasties, some of the “jia” used while firing the offerings were sealed with glaze serum to fill up the cracks before firing. This concept and experience highly rich the color of the production of “Yue-yao”. Not all the productions were successful, but after hundreds of years of experience accumulation in Tang Dynasty. The real emerald green was finally successfully completed. How exciting is that!
Not only the skills of firing but also the time control was also important!
唐代詩人"陸龜蒙"(...881年),在他的詩中寫道: [九秋風露越窯開,奪得千峰翠色來] 的詩句,
Explanation 5
Why the green porcelains were highly valued?
First of all, we need to realize the quality during the process of firing of “Yue-yao” in Tang Dynasty. You can refer the related information in the kiln cite report of “Yue-yao” and the existent “Yue-yao” production from Tang Dynasty. After reading the reference, you can realize that due to the immaturity of the firing skills, the large amount of impurities in the glaze, and the failure of controlling reduction while firing, most of the productions were too yellow, too gray or green with a little yellow-tone in color. Until the late Tang Dynasty, the use of the earthen bowl while firing made an improvement in the quality of the texture of the productions, For example, at the beginning of Tang Dynasty, especially in the Five Dynasties, some of the “jia” used while firing the offerings were sealed with glaze serum to fill up the cracks before firing. This concept and experience highly rich the color of the production of “Yue-yao”. Not all the productions were successful, but after hundreds of years of experience accumulation in Tang Dynasty. The real emerald green was finally successfully completed. How exciting is that!
Not only the skills of firing but also the time control was also important!
唐代詩人"陸龜蒙"(...881年),在他的詩中寫道: [九秋風露越窯開,奪得千峰翠色來] 的詩句,
.......[大約在秋天九月的時候所燒製的"越窯",這時候燒出來的釉色是最碧綠的]a poet Tang Dynasty "Lu Guimeng" "陸龜蒙" (....881 AD) wrote In one of his poems:
“The Yue-yao that was produced around the mid-September in Fall would be with the purest jade-green in color”.
he sentence in the poem was quite famous because the moisture in the air was lower in September in the mid-autumn. The whole situation was perfectly suitable for the control of reduction during firing. What is more, the doors of the kiln were all facing North, which was in favor of the firewood due to the wind would shift to blow from North in the autumn.
he sentence in the poem was quite famous because the moisture in the air was lower in September in the mid-autumn. The whole situation was perfectly suitable for the control of reduction during firing. What is more, the doors of the kiln were all facing North, which was in favor of the firewood due to the wind would shift to blow from North in the autumn.
(以上三件為"法門寺"塔基窖藏出土) |
(越窯秘色瓷片) |
AD 224--651 yearsA "Persian(Sassanid)" traveling salesman and his water bottle.(Tang Dynasty and exchange between Central Asian region)
一般來說,古時代繪畫的功能較屬於紀錄的形式,當時人們將週遭親眼所見的事物描繪下來, 比如各地的遠古洞穴壁畫,及古代墓葬壁畫,之後接著再又出現神話式題材;
除一般的器皿外,寫實的人俑如著名漢代出土的雜耍說唱俑,以及將介紹的本件唐代 “波斯式行旅者人俑”.....
17世紀外銷歐洲的青花水壺 17th century blue and white export Europe kettle. |
Ceramics and glass art _____
有人認為這"綠瓷"指的是綠色玻璃,但筆者認為這裡講的是以綠色瓷器仿製玻璃的效果,否則就不需要說以[以綠瓷為之,與真無異]這樣的話了! 翻開現有出土資料看,色澤大底以綠色及透明白色為主,且史載當時對玻璃的稱呼中並無“'綠瓷”這一名詞,
更無獨有偶的是,現有出土帶有濃厚中西亞"薩珊"式風格的陶瓷杯子,罐子又都集中在北齊 ,北周這一時期!?而且色澤大都是白,綠兩種顏色,這與上述“何稠”傳內容說的基本吻合!
有人認為這"綠瓷"指的是綠色玻璃,但筆者認為這裡講的是以綠色瓷器仿製玻璃的效果,否則就不需要說以[以綠瓷為之,與真無異]這樣的話了! 翻開現有出土資料看,色澤大底以綠色及透明白色為主,且史載當時對玻璃的稱呼中並無“'綠瓷”這一名詞,
更無獨有偶的是,現有出土帶有濃厚中西亞"薩珊"式風格的陶瓷杯子,罐子又都集中在北齊 ,北周這一時期!?而且色澤大都是白,綠兩種顏色,這與上述“何稠”傳內容說的基本吻合!
productions were more from North-Chi and North Chou.
Using glass art added to the ceramics - "Persian Sassanid" style ceramics.
Since the first trade began from Han Dynasty with Middle-West Asia, the trade had been
ceaselessly coming and going.
At North Dynasty the trade had never been interrupted and is some of the delicate arts were appreciated by the ruling. People in a higher social status.
At North Dynasty, A.D. 569, in the tomb of the general Lee, Shen and in the tomb of the royal princess Lee, Chin-Shiun, they unearthed quite amount of delicate handiworks. The white transparent glasses with circle emboss net pattern (see attached picture A) unearthed in the tomb
of Lee-Shen was categorized as Persian Sassanid. Established in A.D. 226-651, the craftsmanshipof the Persian Sassanid was passed in from the Middle East.
The curved pattern on the glasses container in the Middle-East was more advanced in the craftsmanship of glasses than that of in China.
The glasses productions from that through the trade from China to Middle-West Asia were exquisite, expensive and rare, so were favored by the ruling royalties and became the targets of the fake productions among craftsmen.
A well-known craftsman "He-Chou" (from North Chou to the early Tang Dynasty), " The Book of Shei: the autobiography of He-Chou". And most of the color tone on the objects were mainly white and green. This basically fitted the content of the legend
"He-Chou". The containers that carried a strong sense if Persian Sassanid decorating style had similar characteristics with the glasses decorating style from Middle-West Persian Sassanid,
it was thought to be the fake of Persian Sassanid style (See the attached picture). One piece of the New York unearthed objects was collected by the antiquary J.J. Lally. It was decorated by the pattern of eight musical instruments.
The glaze (was the low-temperature glaze and categorized as lead glaze) had the same color tone and ornamented characteristics as the other unearthed objects.
"The Chinese have created lots of productions with glasses, the craftsmen thought the public could not tell the difference between the fake and the real ones, so they made use of the green porcelains to recant be same effect that the glasses productions showed.
" Some people believed that the "green porcelain" was referred it green glasses, but the author suggested that the "green porcelains" was used to pretend the effect if glasses by using the green porcelains, otherwise, the sentence,
"using the green porcelain because they have the same effect as the real ones" would be redundant. When we look for the information about the unearthed objects, the color tone was basically close to green and white , and the term "green porcelain" had not shown in the historical records, what's unique was the fact that the ceramics cups that currently unearthed carried a strong sense of Persian Sassanid from Middle-West Asia, and the unearthed
ceaselessly coming and going.
At North Dynasty the trade had never been interrupted and is some of the delicate arts were appreciated by the ruling. People in a higher social status.
At North Dynasty, A.D. 569, in the tomb of the general Lee, Shen and in the tomb of the royal princess Lee, Chin-Shiun, they unearthed quite amount of delicate handiworks. The white transparent glasses with circle emboss net pattern (see attached picture A) unearthed in the tomb
of Lee-Shen was categorized as Persian Sassanid. Established in A.D. 226-651, the craftsmanshipof the Persian Sassanid was passed in from the Middle East.
The curved pattern on the glasses container in the Middle-East was more advanced in the craftsmanship of glasses than that of in China.
The glasses productions from that through the trade from China to Middle-West Asia were exquisite, expensive and rare, so were favored by the ruling royalties and became the targets of the fake productions among craftsmen.
A well-known craftsman "He-Chou" (from North Chou to the early Tang Dynasty), " The Book of Shei: the autobiography of He-Chou". And most of the color tone on the objects were mainly white and green. This basically fitted the content of the legend
"He-Chou". The containers that carried a strong sense if Persian Sassanid decorating style had similar characteristics with the glasses decorating style from Middle-West Persian Sassanid,
it was thought to be the fake of Persian Sassanid style (See the attached picture). One piece of the New York unearthed objects was collected by the antiquary J.J. Lally. It was decorated by the pattern of eight musical instruments.
The glaze (was the low-temperature glaze and categorized as lead glaze) had the same color tone and ornamented characteristics as the other unearthed objects.
"The Chinese have created lots of productions with glasses, the craftsmen thought the public could not tell the difference between the fake and the real ones, so they made use of the green porcelains to recant be same effect that the glasses productions showed.
" Some people believed that the "green porcelain" was referred it green glasses, but the author suggested that the "green porcelains" was used to pretend the effect if glasses by using the green porcelains, otherwise, the sentence,
"using the green porcelain because they have the same effect as the real ones" would be redundant. When we look for the information about the unearthed objects, the color tone was basically close to green and white , and the term "green porcelain" had not shown in the historical records, what's unique was the fact that the ceramics cups that currently unearthed carried a strong sense of Persian Sassanid from Middle-West Asia, and the unearthed
圖A. 出土自北周天和四年(569)大將軍李賢墓 薩珊式玻璃杯(截自大陸網站) 6世紀 - 北周 (AD 569 years unearthed in northern China ) |
上海玻璃博物館藏品,薩珊風格玻璃器 (Shanghai Museum) |
至今出土最早,西晉墓出土玻璃杯 (截自大陸網站) Early 5th century, the Western Jin Dynasty tombs unearthed in China, |
標示年代為北齊 Northern Qi Dynasty 紐約古董商 J.J.Lally刊登廣告之物件__ (上有八種胡人吹奏樂器圖形) |
日本藏家收藏之“薩珊式”風格綠釉陶杯,一樣是屬於鉛釉類, 北齊(Glazed pottery, 6th Century Late, China ,Japanese Collection ) (圖取自“典藏古美術雜誌) |
Glazed pottery, 6th Century Late,China. Northern Qi Dynasty (本店所售出之北齊,薩珊風格式杯)H9cm. (My gallery shop sold ) |
本店售出隋.唐代 中亞風格,黑釉高腳杯 7 century Initial stage ,Northern China,Central Asian Style (My gallery shop sold ) |