2014年8月2日 星期六

北宋 "湖田窯" 青白瓷荷葉口瓶

A lotus leaf mouth bottle  HUTIANYAO- QINGBAI 
Northern Song Dynasty 

(AD 960-1127)

Jiangxi Province, Jingdezhen, Hutian

高22.3公分   Height: 22.3cm

(使用半印 半刻技巧 Use half-print, semi-engraving tips )

 來源: 上世紀90年代末,购自香港知名同業 
 Source: the late 1990s, purchased in Hong Kong's famous same industry                   


這件花口瓶 釉的質地老化得非常的滋潤,很有玉質感 ,出土的地方(坑口)比較潮濕,局部區域釉的土咬比較明顯,
瓷器的釉的玉質感是一種老化与氧化現象 !

每一件瓷器的玉質感 (或說潤澤度)呈現的程度不一樣___因為這關係到燒製的方式,保存情況,和出土的環境,都會有影響 !

底部露胎的地方,呈現出明顯的老化皮殼, 具有強烈的火石紅加上土銹,

(有些青白瓷的底部的露胎 火石紅較淡,甚至較白),


工匠們在這件作品上使用"半印半刻" 的技法(這種方法流行在北宋時期),

在 鼓起的腹部,以連續割劃出轉枝牡丹紋作為主題;







當然也有作出口沿土咬效果的仿品 ,不過咬法与层次感 ,


**另外順便一提的是, 觀察它的氣泡.釉的色澤, 這些特徵已經不能當重要的標準了, 因為仿品早已仿製的很成功了!

The containers has been under in extreme moisturizing aging and were with the
texture of jade. The location of these artifacts unearthed were more humid .
The texture of jade of the porcelain was due to aging and oxidization.
every piece of the porcelain had the texture of jade (or the degree of moist) to
various extent.
They showed various texture due to the methods they used to fire the containers
in the kiln, the ways they preserved, and the environment they unearthed.
The tire in the bottom had shown aging and apparent aging crust due to lava-rock
red and 土沁 .
(Sone tire in the bottom in some White Ware had less odvious lava-rock red or even
whiter. The edges of the bottle were folded into eight petals of lotus leaves ornament
and interlaced with the lotus petals on the bottle neck .
The craftsmen used "half-print-crave" skill to crave peony patterns on the bulging
part as topic . As far as the findings nowadays, the pattern may similar in topics but quite
different in details. The kind of lotus leaves ornamented edges were quite popular in
Song Dynasty. However, these types of vases were rare in the market, so they were
The glaze on top and building parts were easier to get weathering, which were closely
related to the location they unearthed and the humidity around. Of course there were
fake effects of the mud-dite aeound the edges, but the layering effects, the tire,
texture of the glaze, and aging were hard to be identical.

2014年8月廣告   August 2014 advertisement
(电腦顏色會有誤差 Computer color will be biased )

本件瓶底   bottom, 火石紅比較強烈, 露胎區域多,
很多工具書籍都可以找到這種底的案例 ,

口部特寫  Partial close
釉較薄的地方出現"咬釉"現象, 這與使用人工化學藥劑作法的效果不一樣 ,

局部特寫   Partial close, 風化的自然狀況

國際拍賣的 同類型舉例    The same type

(International auction items ) 國際拍賣的 同類型舉例  The same type

同類型舉例  The same type, 類似的底部火石紅,
 (Japan's ldemitsu museum) (日本出光美術館) 

Similar bottom __ kiln site unearthed debris

口部位, 侵蝕釉痕現象舉例  (左圖  Left)
Glaze soil bite Erosion and aging

口部與釉薄區域的咬釉現象 舉例,
Glaze soil bite Erosion and aging,
(上海博物館藏__Shanghai Museum )

口部与邊角凸稜的咬釉風化 舉例,
Glaze soil bite Erosion and aging,
(Beijing palace museum)


Examples of fakes_____

這件底部 沒有上釉露出瓷胎土的地方, 並沒有老化情形,沒有皮殼,,